West Village, New Ralph Lauren Home Collection
There’s a new collection of home items on the Ralph Lauren site. It’s called West Village, which is pretty gender-neutral (compared to, say, Modern Chairman and Modern Duke). Ditto for the items, though there are certainly some handsome pieces, including…

The Rhinelander
A recent ODDA Magazine photo shoot at Ralph Lauren men’s flagship, the Rhinelander mansion.

Circa 1900 Brooks Brothers Antique Dining Table
Yesterday a reader alerted me that currently on eBay there is a table from Brooks Brothers’ Madison Avenue flagship that dates from 1900. Although the listing describes it as a work table, it’s also possible that it was a display…

Twee-dle-Dumb: Wes Anderson’s Bar Luce
If you weren’t already familiar with the word twee — “affectedly dainty or quaint” is the first definition at Dictionary.com — then you probably learned it while reading about filmmaker Wes Anderson. This past week Anderson debuted Bar Luce, a…

Bathroom Humor
Weekends are the time to relax and unwind. Same applies to our content. Somehow this guest post by Matthew Karl Gale just wouldn’t feel right on a Monday morning. * * * Last weekend I cheered on the ponies…

The New Vitale Barberis Canonico Showroom
This week I received a press release from the Vitale Barberis Canonico woolen mill, which has a 352-year history and is in the 13th generation of the same family. In collaboration with one of Italy’s finest tailoring houses, A. Caraceni,…

The Man In The Brooks Brothers Home
Brooks Brothers’ iconic buttondown shirt inspired a piece of literature — Mary McCarthy’s 1947 story “The Man In The Brooks Brothers Shirt” — but the brand also offers items to ensure your home is equally well dressed. Tucked away in…
Men Without Women: Stuart Davis’ 1932 Radio City Mural
Smoking has long provided men in polite society to excuse themselves and be alone. Of course this also gave women the chance to be alone, but it was the men who were discussing — or at least in control of…

A Tour Of The Polo Bar
Yesterday I visited the much-hyped and pitch-perfect Polo Bar. Talk about your masculine interior. The artwork at Ralph Lauren’s new restaurant is devoted entirely to the sport, which is to say all the human figures depicted are men. The only…