English Gentlemen At Home
This is a post inspired by a post inspired by another post. By which I mean I saw these photos at Die Workwear!, which had been inspired by a similar one at No Man Walks Alone. But whereas Die Workwear!…

Earl Spencer Q&A For Ralph Lauren Magazine
My latest piece for Ralph Lauren Magazine is a Q&A with Earl Spencer, brother of the late Princess Diana. I’d originally been told that the questions, once approved, would be delivered via telephone for livelier responses. In the end they…

The Stately Home Of Mortdecai
I first reported on the Johnny Depp film “Mortdecai” back in the early days of the blog. Well it’s out on DVD now and is mildly amusing, so consider a viewing if you haven’t seen it yet. There’s plenty of…

Edge Of Reason: The Spectacular Casa Brutale
The incredible supervillain-lairish Casa Brutale, at the edge of the Aegean sea — and perhaps the edge of reason. Created by the Open Platform For Architecture, the abode is alas just a concept. Suggested budget to actually build it is…

The Great Indoors: Playboy Magazine And The Invention Of The Bachelor Pad
Today we have a guest post from James Kraus of Jet Age Media. * * * In it’s early decades, Playboy Magazine was a gateway to the good life. Like a worldly uncle or older brother, it dispensed a cornucopia…

In Need Of Remasculinization
Earlier this week a real estate listing came by my desk here at MI headquarters. It’s for a property called Little Park, located on a street known as Gentleman’s Row in the London suburb of Enfield. As you can see…

In With Flynn
I just came across a 2013 biopic about Errol Flynn called “The Last Of Robin Hood.” It’s set not during the screen star’s swashbuckling heyday, but during his final years in the late ’50s. Kevin Kline gives a fantastic performance…

Bausvault’s 63 Man Caves
“Man cave” is a dirty word around here, for reasons you can probably guess and upon which I may opine some day. So when the online retailer Bausvault reached out to me yesterday sharing a recent post called “63 Man…

Trappings: The Cold And Elegant Estate Of Captain Von Trapp
This year marks the 50th anniversary of “The Sound of Music,” and tonight ABC News will run a special on the film. I come from a musical family — at least in the sense that my parents put my sister…

Shrine To Myself: The Trophy Hall Of Tom Buchanan
After posting about the Plaza Hotel’s Fitzgerald suite a couple of weeks ago, I decided to rewatch the Baz Luhrmann Gatsby adaptation. I’d only seen it once and didn’t remember much, which is never a good sign. I’d planned to…