Harvard Dorm Rooms, 1899
These photos are from the Harvard library‘s collection of images and are circa 1899. Tradition is supplied by the furniture, wallpaper, paintings, etc., and youth is supplied by the timely ephemera tacked alongside.
I’ll leave you with a kicker: In case you find the wallpaper a bit old-fashioned, here’s an alternative from the same time period. Charles Dana Gibson’s humorous illustration, “Design For A Bachelor’s Wall Paper.”
Spectacular imagery. Of course, most dormitories of the day offered servants as well. Gibson’s idea for wallpaper is a tad frightening though.
What interests me is that only one of these rooms contains anything like a library.
I think we’re seeing multiple angles for some rooms, and the books are not visible in every shot. At least five of the pictures have books on bookshelves in them.
I wonder if I could get a vintage harvard pennant or flag like the one in the flag since my brother goes to harvard.
Well, Caesar. there’ s this thing out there called “the Internet,” and I hear that if you “search” on it, you can find many things you seek.
Best of luck to you in your quest.
Caesar, eBay has loads of such memorabilia all the time.