Sigmund Freud’s Office
Recently I watched the film “A Dangerous Method,” in which Michael Fassbender portrays Carl Jung opposite Viggo Mortensen’s Sigmund Freud. There are extensive scenes set in Freud’s office, which is lined with books, modern art, and packed with figurines from…

The Stately Home Of Mortdecai
I first reported on the Johnny Depp film “Mortdecai” back in the early days of the blog. Well it’s out on DVD now and is mildly amusing, so consider a viewing if you haven’t seen it yet. There’s plenty of…

221B Baker Street Revisited
“Mr. Holmes,” starring Ian McKellan as Sherlock, is currently in theaters, bringing us a chance to see yet another rendering of the great detective’s bachelor flat. Anyone seen it yet?

Is This What You Want? Always Alone?
A new trailer for the upcoming James Bond movie came out a few days ago. If you haven’t seen it yet, now’s the time. It includes a dialogue exchange in which Bond is asked by the new Bond Girl, “Is…

The Downton Abbey Mattress Collection
Last week the Kingsdown brand announced a forthcoming “Downton Abbey” mattress collection. That’s right, not sheets, but mattresses. Considering they can’t be seen, they sure as hell better feel special. Said the company in a release: This strategic partnership represents…

Classic Style
Screen shot from “The Human Stain,” in which Anthony Hopkins plays a classics professor with an elegant home. Note pictures mounted to bookcase.

Step Into Don Draper’s Office
One week ago “Mad Men” came to an end, though it will no doubt be binge-watched for many years to come. Coming to an end in a couple of weeks, for those in New York, is the “Mad Men” exhibit…

Ancient Discovery: BBC’s 2005 Egypt Docudrama
Last week a recommended title popped up in my Netflix streaming queue. Its title was simply “Egypt,” and I scrolled past it wondering when exactly I would be in the mood for a documentary about ancient Egypt. But a few…

On The Occasion Of The Bard’s Birthday
Today is the birthday of William Shakespeare, who would have been — well, pretty damn old. In pondering a post in his honor I thought of the film adaptations, and the first one that came to mind was Kenneth Branagh’s…

In With Flynn
I just came across a 2013 biopic about Errol Flynn called “The Last Of Robin Hood.” It’s set not during the screen star’s swashbuckling heyday, but during his final years in the late ’50s. Kevin Kline gives a fantastic performance…