Tommy At The Plaza
Tommy Hilfiger has a penthouse at The Plaza Hotel, which he has apparently been trying to get rid of for years. It certainly had a nice office, not to mention bedroom:
And then there’s the view:
Tommy has been asking $80 million. Apparently he started in 2008 asking $50 million, then did $20 million in rennovations and raised it to $80 million.
A couple of weeks ago Curbed reported that it appears to have been taken off the market, and not for the first time.
Everything’s relative, of course. Schopenhauer, who thought life sucked for everbody, felt the rich suffered as much as the poor, just in different ways. Tommy’s frustrated for being unable to sell his $80 milion property, and I’m furious because Great Scot looked at photos of my place and said I should shoot for two curtain panels per window instead of one, and I can’t locate a fourth discontinued American Living (RL x JCP) “Belvedere” panel, black with a diamond motif reminiscent of a necktie, and am stuck with three.
Perhaps New York’s Russian oligarchs are finally tapped out? Nah…
Have you tried eBay? Do you know any interior designers? Hope you get that last panel!