Ralph Lauren And Chinese Porcelain
Today is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, and in the spirit of things I’ve compiled a gallery of Ralph Lauren Home images that all have one thing in common: blue and white porcelain with mostly Chinese motifs, whether vases, flower pots or ginger jars.
The popularity of blue and white china in the West goes back to at least the 19th century when chinoiserie and japonisme became fashionable decor trends. Jars and vases lend a sense of tradition and elegance to one’s abode and can be had inexpensively at your local Chinatown, or, if your city doesn’t have one, any home goods or discount store.
As you can see, they also easily complement masculine decor (some of the images are from the collection called Modern Duke, one of the more flamboyant of RL’s home collections), and only tip into the feminine in the final image, which is offered here as an example of what not to do. I’ve had plenty of these in the past, though alas not currently. Gung hay fat choy.
I love how well the blue & white contrasts with the dark furniture & the gold touches – it is a lovely masculine touch ….
What a wonderful collection of images to share….and so aptly at the beginning of this Chinese New Year.
Coincidentally the new spring Home collection stuff is up and they’re making a big push with blue and white porcelain:
As annoying as I find Mr Lifshitz to be personally, his interpretations of Old Guard Prep continue to be imaginative, colorful and vibrant. Note to the author: “compliment” should be “complement” in this context.
Fixed. Thanks.