It’s Curtains For James Bond: An Interview With Artist Coco de Paris
Really, how did we get along before the Internet? While performing a search recently for a completely unrelated item, I stumbled upon the Etsy shop CocoTwo, where I found, of all things, James Bond as a zebra on a shower curtain.
I contacted the owner, who sells his own artwork on a variety of household items. “Coco de Paris,” as s/he is known, is indeed a Paris-based artist who draws on whimsical gentlemanly iconography of the past — or, in Bond’s case, maybe not so gentlemanly after all.
Below is an email interview with the mysterious artist.
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MI: Tell us about your art background.
CdP: I studied at art school, and since 2011 I’ve developed a new concept: the creation of mixed-media artworks on authentic antique paper and exclusively distributed via the Internet. This is a part of my artistic philosophy of making nice things at affortable prices. Different colourful animals paintings are featured in humourous actions, which have made them a big hit all over the world. Following the success, fashion brands like Marc Jacobs, Joe Fresh, the German brand Les Artistes, Nepia in Japan, interior designers and editors have asked me to collaborate.
MI: You often combine vintage motifs with animals. Was there a particular inspiration for that?
CdP: I like visiting flea markets in France. It was there I discovered the charm of vintage motifs. By joining the old and the new, I realise that I can bring life to old and abandoned souls. I also like to humanise animals (with spectacles, a hat, clothing, etc.), because for me animals and human being are quit close. The big difference is that animals are completely spontaneous and therefore much funnier to use in my creations.
MI: How did you get the idea of putting your work on shower curtains?
CdP: I was approached by Marc Jacobs, World Market, and interior designers to use my images for merchandise. Shower curtains are just one of the merchandise ideas. I also have my artwork on mousepads, pillows and in future, I intend to expand to t-shirts, tote bags, etc.
MI: Doesn’t the packaging create creases? How can people remove the creases to better appreciate the image?
CdP: Normally packaging doesn’t crease the shower curtains. If there are slight creases, hang it in the shower and spray some warm water on it. The next day the creases will be gone.