Decorating Your Walls The Digital Way
On the recent Brooks Brothers post, a reader left a comment asking where he could find prints similar to the ones hanging on the walls of the store. I’m not entirely sure I understood the question— exactly what sort of pictures did he mean, old military and sporting prints? That type of thing shouldn’t be too hard to find.
But it got me thinking about how I acquired many of my own pictures, and that some older readers out there might never have thought of this.
With a longtime interest in art, photography, and every other sort of visual imagery, I’ve always been very specific about what I want hanging on the walls of my home. So ever since I got my first apartment after college, I’ve relied primarily on my local Kinko’s or Staples to fulfill my art needs. What do I mean by that? Namely, that I started by having color photocopies made of pictures I liked that were in books. Then the Internet took over as the cynosure of our lives, and these days I rely on Google Images to help me find exactly what I want.
Taking this approach assumes that the image itself is your primary concern. Obviously this has nothing to do with collecting original works of art. I could do that, saving a bit to buy works from local artists hanging in my neighborhood cafes, for example. But I’d feel like I was at the whim of the artists, rather than following my own vision. To collect original works that please me would require much more money than I’m likely to have in this lifetime.
The digital approach also assumes that image specificity is more important than finding something that is prized simply because it’s old. It’s possible to cover your walls with pictures found randomly at thrift stores and flea markets. I’ve done that, but I don’t think the results were terribly refined or sophisticated, and they certainly weren’t personal. My walls were covered in a sea of mediocre things acquired primarily because they were old and cheap, with only modest visual interest and little, if any, personal relevance.
To take the digital route, first come up with an idea of what you’re looking for. Then perform a Google Image search, narrowing the results to large-sized files. Save them on a disc or email them to your local printing place. If the original image is a photo, have it printed on glossy photo stock. If it’s a painting or drawing, print on cardstock. If the image is in black and white, be sure to specify that the printer is set to grayscale mode, as black and white images mistakenly printed in color typically come out blueish. Your local frame shop can take care of the matting and framing, though it can be very expensive and takes away the satisfaction of doing it yourself. I prefer to find frames at the thrift store or flea market (which are better for frames than the images inside), then use an online service to cut the matting boards to my exact measurements.
I checked my walls and it looks like I currently have over a dozen pictures that were created in this way. Above, in my bedroom, is a grouping by the Belle Epoque engraver Paul Helleu, who has been my favorite artist for some 20 years. A couple of them are from an exhibition catalog, the rest were printed from JPEG files.
That first apartment of mine had about 20 pictures by another portrait artist from the same era, Giovanni Boldini. Today I’ve just this lone image currently taking up space by the front door:
That’s probably because I’ve gradually learned that photos and drawings look better than copies of oil paintings. Also in my entryway is this study by Fernand Khnopff, another artist who’s fascinated me for years:
Continuing down the hallway, we reach some 20th-century photos. This image of Aga Khan ran in the magazine The Rake, from which I scanned it:
This shot of the Nicholas Brothers, my favorite dancers (after Astaire, of course) for their combination of elegance and daredevil athleticism:
In the living room, the digital images include this Renaissance drawing — I’ve somehow managed to forget by whom:
A caricature of the Duke of Windsor adds a touch of whimsy:
I’ve played many sports and have had vintage photos of tennis, badminton and table tennis, but currently I have this great photo of a golfer named George Duncan:
… and this turn-of-the-century fencer among the bottles and bric-a-brac:
I’ve never played cricket, but I couldn’t resist this old shot of guys in sweaters and top hats, which rests on a book shelf:
Contemporary abstracts are reprsented by Sam Francis, whose work used to fill an entire wall. Alas he’s been downgraded and is currently used to cover the rat’s nest of cables and wires beneath my desk:
… as well as the ugly circuit breaker panel thing in the hallway:
Finally we’ve got the most dandyish image, a nude worshipping a peacock, which always brings a wry smile to my face. It was scanned from one of my books on Symbolist art:
So while it doesn’t work for large images, there’s one way to fill your walls with exactly what you want. Next time we’ll look at the other items that hang on my walls, such as the larger pieces as well as a photography project I’ve been working on recently.
An excellent idea! Thank you. This will come in handy when we move to our next home in about two months’ time.
Best Regards,
Heinz-Ulrich von B.
Does your comment feature filter out the html tag for hyperlinks (i.e., the a tag)? I just tried to post something with two hyperlinks, and it vanished into the ether.
At Ivy they’re automatically held for moderation. I’ll have to investigate the settings here. I’d say try again doing one at a time.
Update: OK I was able to find out quickly: They’re only held for moderation with three or more links, so I’m not sure what happened.
I was looking at some prints a few nights ago, wondering how I’d ever get the money to buy them.
This is a simple but great idea. Thank you for posting it.
A Boldini and the Nicholas Brothers! Not to mention a nude worshiping a peacock. What could be better!
I have done this with a few specific photos, so I agree that it is a great idea! For great military art depicting 19th century battles and soldiers, Google “Richard Caton Woodville, Jr.” (of just “R. Caton Woodville”), and for some great photos depicting 19th century soldiers, check out http://www.soldiersofhtequeen.com and http://www.hussards-photos.com
Christian, great idea! Could you explain more about your process for ordering matting boards? Is there any particular service you recommend? Also, how do you determine the size you’ll need? I’m a bit of a framing neophyte, having always taken art to a framing store in the past but I could do without the cost.
OK, so you first need two parts, the image and the frame you want to put it in.
Your local printer can go as big as 11 x 17 on their standard machine; so when matted and framed you can actually get a fairly good sized picture, in a frame that’s maybe 16 x 22 or something like that.
Once you have those two parts, then google “matting boards” or “mat boards” as there are several services out there. The site should specify whether they automatically allow for 1/8 inch of extra space; you can call them if you need to.
You give them the total size (that of the frame’s rear opening) and then the size of the hole to cut. You should allow for about an eighth to a quarter of an inch overlap. If you cut it too close you may have a sliver of white space between where the image ends on the paper and the mat begins, and that won’t do at all.
If the image is too close to the frame size and you try to have a very small amount of mat board inserted, it doesn’t look very good, in which case you need a larger frame. Having a small image surrounded by a large white mat can look more chic/urban/artsy, if that’s your thing.
As for the mat’s color, as you can see I do everything in off-white shades. Colored mats remind me of the sentimental things found on the walls of the street where I grew up, most definitely including the house where I grew up.